When people say, 'I couldn't foster because it would be to hard to give a dog up' We say 'How can it be harder than knowing a dog died because no foster home stepped up?' and that's why we do it time and time again.
A Dog's Prayer: "Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in the entire world is more grateful for your kindness than mine. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. After all, you have your job, your friends and your entertainment. I only have you."

July 8, 2011

Nutmeg does WOOFSTOCK!

Yayyy!  We couldn't be more proud of our little foster girl then we were when we took her to Woofstock this past year to promote LOYAL Rescue Inc.!  She represented very well indeed and EVERYONE fell in LOVE with her!  How could you NOT fall in love with that sweet little face and personality to match.  I was apprehensive at first, but her foster dad insisted..she'd have him by her side to feel secure afterall.  He was right!  She not only did well, she exceeded ALL our expectations and flourished with all the attention and pats given to her.  She enjoyed is so much so that she even started to seek out the attention from everyone once she realized just how wonderful it felt! This was  Nutmeg's very first time out in public in large crowds, so to see her overcome and enjoy herself was so heartwarming.  We are so proud of you little Meg Pie! xo  : )))

Me enjoying my very first hot dog with my foster dad!  Yummy stuff!! 

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