When people say, 'I couldn't foster because it would be to hard to give a dog up' We say 'How can it be harder than knowing a dog died because no foster home stepped up?' and that's why we do it time and time again.
A Dog's Prayer: "Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in the entire world is more grateful for your kindness than mine. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. After all, you have your job, your friends and your entertainment. I only have you."

May 30, 2012

The Mother of All Reunions

Here are the pups with ARC before coming into rescue

Well it's been a very long time coming, but we finally held our Big reunion with half of the Anishnabe Pups; Sable, Trip (was Sarge), Sherman and Simon.  The remaining pups and their families live quite a distance away, so unfortunately,  making the trip was not possible for them. : (    They were most definitely on our minds and with us in spirit that day.  Absent pups and their families: Ella (was Sapphire), Haisley (was Scotlund), Bella (was Sierra) and Delaney (was Satin).

I would like to give a huge Thank You to Trip and his mom and dad for generously hosting all of us for the day.  It is appreciated more then you know!!    What a great memory for all of us to have and we could not have picked a better day to hold the reunion on what I like to refer to has the '100 Acre Wood' lol

The pups picked up right where they left off and really enjoyed seeing one another again.  Sweet, sensitive Simon did not want his sister Sable to leave and was quite sad.  He really missed her.  For Sherman and Trip, it was like 'old' times as they picked right up where they left off and didn't stop playing or leave each others side much throughout the day.  They are definitely close buddies.  I still cannot believe I used to hold these little ones in the palm of my hands to bottle feed!  They are all approximately 80+ lbs, except for Simon, who is slightly smaller in size;  he is definitely the Lab x.

For the pups and their families, and especially for me,  it was definitely 'The Mother of all reunions!' lol

Here they are today

6 months old

Sherman, Sable and Trip (was Sarge) 

Sherman with Brenda, the Founder of LOYAL Rescue Inc.,

and the one who brought all 8 pups back from the Reserve in Quebec

Sable with brothers Sherman and Trip

Miss. Sable seeing foster Dad, John 

for the first time since her adoption.  To 

say she was very happy is an understatement!

Trip, looking more and more like brother 


Trip and Sherman 

Brotherly Love

Handsome Simon missing 'his' Sable 

Simon looking for Sable after she left 

Beautiful Sable-iscious! 

Our gift from former foster pup Sable and her 

wonderful mama Julie!

Our favourite things

 Strawberry Rhubarb and Apple PIEEEEES!!

from Sable and her mama Julie 

Hiking with all the dogs in the 100 acre Wood

Cristal, a LOYAL Rescue Inc. foster dog 

after enjoying a Yummy treat

that former foster pup Sable brought for

all the dogs

Sweet, sensitive SIMON  : )  

Cristal enjoying the treat from Sable and her mama

Gorgeous Sherman

Simon taking a break 

Brothers Sherman and Trip at it again

Cristal all pooped out!

 This was Cristal after we got home  


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