When people say, 'I couldn't foster because it would be to hard to give a dog up' We say 'How can it be harder than knowing a dog died because no foster home stepped up?' and that's why we do it time and time again.
A Dog's Prayer: "Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in the entire world is more grateful for your kindness than mine. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. After all, you have your job, your friends and your entertainment. I only have you."

June 29, 2011

Poppy's Great Adventures in Ottawa...

Apollonia (Poppy) just days before leaving us for her forever home

Poppy with her big adoptive sister, Eva, another lucky rescue dog that was adopted and saved! 

Hi Donna,

I just wanted to drop you a quick line to let you know that there was a big celebration at our house today to mark Poppy's one year adoption day!  Tim Bits for all!

I can't tell you what a great adventure this last year has been.  Poppy has just blossomed.  She is still very, very timid around new people but no longer shies away as much as she used to.  She has several Chihuahua friends and an "inner people circle" she likes (not that she'd admit it!).  Poppy is so wonderfully affectionate with me; nobody has ever loved me as much as she does.  She snuggles up close to me every night and, first thing every morning, she pokes her little head out from under the sheets, dusts the cobwebs on her big bat ears with a vigorous headshake and immediately gives me a big kiss.  Then she sighs heavily and snuggles back under the blankets until it is "up time".  I love our morning ritual.  

Overall, her health is great (as confirmed by her vet).  The Littles spend a great deal of time in the backyard or out on walks where Poppy gets to express her dog joy; I just love that expression.  She loves nothing more than to run as far as her little legs with let her and then runs back to me just as quickly.  The Littles are hardly ever on leash because they are so well mannered.  Let's see, she adores car rides and going to Oma & Opa's house where she doesn't get spoiled rotten.  My neighbours also spoil all of the girls so she has an extended family who think she's the cat's meow.  

She looooooves her food, a bit too much (she is her mother's daughter) so we watch our weight.  While I monitor the kibble intake, I sometimes get muscled out of popcorn or Cheerios.  Really, how can you say no to those big, beautiful brown eyes and that sad look??

Poppy, Eva and Libby - my current foster (also a Chi) - get along beautifully.  Poppy and Libby sometimes get a bit jealous of one another and a hiss & spit erupts but ends just as quickly.  Eva is too dignified to ever engage in a spat with anyone - though she is sometimes the victim because she is so passive.  

Donna, as always, thank you for having taken such good care of my Poppy.  Thanks to you, she has become the wonderful happy little girl she was always meant to be and I can't tell you how much I adore her and how thrilled I am to be on this journey with her next to me.

Take care.



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