When people say, 'I couldn't foster because it would be to hard to give a dog up' We say 'How can it be harder than knowing a dog died because no foster home stepped up?' and that's why we do it time and time again.
A Dog's Prayer: "Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in the entire world is more grateful for your kindness than mine. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. After all, you have your job, your friends and your entertainment. I only have you."

June 20, 2012

Caleb at 'Toto' Park in Mississauga, Ontario

One of  favourite places to take all new foster dogs to is 'Toto' Park, or more specifically, 'Totoredaca Dog Park' in Mississauga, Ontario.  It's a 'leash free' outdoor park for all dogs, big and small, old and young to come and hang out, play, socialize.

Before entering 'Toto' Park, there are a few things you'll first need to know: 

I love the dog wash!  

For some of my 'Toto' Park friends, it's as much a place for them to meet up with other dogs lovers to socialize and interact as it is for the dogs!  I particularly love this leash free park because it has a 'Committee' and Membership to join, although membership is not mandatory, however, it does help cover costs involved in up-keep of the park and keeping it clean and safe for all who visit and enjoy it, in addition to fundraising events to help with costs.  As you can see from my photos, there is lots to do at 'Toto' Park.  There is a professional agility area (enclosed) as well as several doggie swimming pools for the dogs to cool off as well as watering areas for the dogs to drink.  There is also a 'doggie wash' area as you leave 'Toto' Park where you can wash your dog off at the 'doggie wash' as you leave the park.  There's even an 'outhouse' for humans!  Lots of trees, wonderfully maintained gardens and a nice board-walk as you enter.  I love going through the mini hike area that is fully shaded.  What I especially love about this park is that everyone is held accountable for their dogs and everyone looks out for everyone.  There always seems to be a committee member there on any given day/time of the week to oversee the park.  It's very well maintained and cared for by many.  There are also many dog related activities held in the park as well.  The park is open very late into the evening, so if you aren't able to get there during the day, there are large overhead lights that can be turned on.

Caleb now knows how to fetch and retrieve the ball!  Yay for Caleb! 
He's so smart!

Caleb is always looking back and looking for me. 
He took to the agility course immediately, no fear!  
Caleb is a very confident little guy! 


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