When people say, 'I couldn't foster because it would be to hard to give a dog up' We say 'How can it be harder than knowing a dog died because no foster home stepped up?' and that's why we do it time and time again.
A Dog's Prayer: "Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in the entire world is more grateful for your kindness than mine. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. After all, you have your job, your friends and your entertainment. I only have you."

June 19, 2012

Caleb and Chia at Woofstock 2012 Toronto, Ontario

Caleb and Chia did really well for their first ever Woofstock, which was held in Toronto June 9-10 in the St. Lawrence Market area.  I couldn't be more proud of both of them!  You would never know they were here for just a few short weeks, as they really enjoyed taking in all the sights, saying hi to everyone and meeting new doggie friends.  
Man, was it ever a hot one though!  
Thank DOG for all those watering stations, fountains and 'misting' spots to cool them, and us off!  

Caleb enjoying a dip in the fountain

Taking a break at an outdoor Cafe

There was also an agility course that was put on by PRO Plan
Caleb is Mr. Confidence and didn't hesitate to give it a try

Caleb's 'back end' lol  

A nice treat (reward) for a job well done, Mr. Caleb!

One of many, many watering stations for the dogs
A Huge Thank you to Helping Homeless Pets for providing these

Foster Dad is such a pushover when it comes to 
his 'Chia' girl

Chia anticipating...

Still anticipating...but not too happy about it

'Dodge' Dog thinks he's a lap dog! lol

Chia and Caleb's little buddy Tanner 

For anyone in the Toronto or surrounding areas, or visiting Toronto, you 
MUST check out PawsWay on Queens Quay.  

PawsWay Toronto is dedicated to the understanding and celebration of pets.  
It's the first place in the world where pets, owners, and pet lovers can come together 
to enjoy exhibits, activities, special events and more.

I love all the old buildings

Tanner's trying out his new 'back pack'

Berczy Park, where the 'Rescue' section is, including 
It's a feeding frenzy, literally! 

The stage is in Berczy Park, where they hold a lot
of different activities

Woofstock goes for blocks and blocks

Berczy Park

Chia, all pooped out~

Miss. D. with her 'Honey B' 

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