When people say, 'I couldn't foster because it would be to hard to give a dog up' We say 'How can it be harder than knowing a dog died because no foster home stepped up?' and that's why we do it time and time again.
A Dog's Prayer: "Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in the entire world is more grateful for your kindness than mine. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. After all, you have your job, your friends and your entertainment. I only have you."

June 6, 2012

He'Art of Rescue, A Fundraiser for a great cause!

We had the privilege of attending a very important fundraising event this past weekend to help save many puppies in urgent need in Turkey.  To say were were honoured to be in the company of so many amazing rescue volunteers is an understatement!

He'Art of Rescue in Istanbul has been trying to raise much needed funds to rescue 9 puppies (out of 25) that were saved from deplorable conditions in a shelter there.  This fundraiser was for 7 pups remaining that could be helped right away.  These puppies are very sick and undergoing very extensive and expensive veterinary care.  The pups were then brought to a clinic to be treated for various diseases.  When they are well enough, they will then be placed up for adoption.  The hope is to eventually bring them to Canada, and into loving homes, where they will have a chance.  So far, only one pup named 'Sydney' was healthy enough to come to Canada and was in attendance at the fundraiser.  

It was very heart-warming to see so many in attendance and who also donated their time and services for these beautiful puppies, and Thank You to Ola, the hostess with the most-est and countless volunteers for organizing this momentous event and for all you do to help all animals. In spite of a bit of rain, it was a HUGE success!  Without you, this would not have been possible and the remaining pups will now have a fighting chance.  

Gotcha Photo Studios donated their time and took pictures of all the dogs to help raise funds for these special pups.  Please visit Gotcha Photo Studios Facebook Page and 'Like' them; They do SO much to help promote/raise awareness for rescued animals, wherever the need.  Their work is second to none, so check them out! 

Mighty Mutts Dog Training and Ola, Dog Trainer extra-ordinaire did a fantastic job with the agility course and helping us with our 'foster dogs'  issues...ie. Chia and Caleb's incessant, excitable barking at all the other dogs and insisting to say 'hello' to every single one of them!  LOL  Not to mention Chia's constant whining because she felt that every 'new' dog friend MUST say hello to her and like her.  LOL  Check out Mighty Mutts Dog Training on their Facebook Page and 'Like' them.  I promise you won't be disappointed!  

 Sydney Today

Thank you to so many who cared

Hike first

Our foster babies, Chia and Caleb enjoying the grass

Thank YOU Gotcha Photo Studios 
for taking such AMAZING shots
of my foster babies Chia and Caleb

Ola's horse is such a 'smarty pants'

Heeeee Hawwww

Caleb decided to steal water from the ice bucket, 
with Sandra's help

Caleb and Chia sitting pretty for treats

Chia and Caleb love, love their foster dad!

Caleb was pretty exhaused by the end of the day


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